
Support Westminster

Why consider pledging to the church, offering a one-time gift, or including us in your will?

We believe that everything we have—our lives, our “stuff,” and, of course, our money—is a gift from God. We respond to God with gratitude, giving of our resources as an acknowledgment of the the abundant gift of grace that we can never repay. We take seriously the commandment to follow Christ to the end of the earth, to make disciples and baptize and teach, to bring good news to the poor, in order that we may join God’s transformative work in our world. When you give to Westminster you are sharing in our work and mission, and ensuring that we can continue to participate in God’s mission here in Greenville and throughout the world.

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Make a Gift

We encourage you to make a one-time gift to Westminster as you feel led. Your giving supports the ongoing ministry of Westminster as well as our local and global mission partners. We honor your gifts with faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and full accountability so that our financial integrity remains above reproach.

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Planned Giving

Nunc rhoncus imperdiet tempor. Etiam id mi velit. Phasellus non diam non ligula viverra rutrum. Quisque in porta neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla mattis ligula a lacus pulvinar tincidunt. Suspendisse porta nisl id magna euismod pharetra vel in ex. Morbi commodo sapien eu turpis eleifend elementum. Donec vulputate tellus sed consectetur convallis. Sed congue lobortis est. Aenean scelerisque orci quis nibh feugiat tincidunt.

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